Luigi Tecce

Region: Campania

Luigi Tecce's family has been producing wine for generations in the Trinità district in Paternopoli, a town in the province of Avellino. Luigi chooses not to follow in the family footsteps but to devote himself to the career of jockey until 1997 when, due to the sudden death of his father, he is forced to leave his job and take over the family business that then owned a hectare of vineyards . Luigi Tecce has clear ideas on how to produce his wine, not standard and prepackaged wines but, a wine that could reflect its territory. Buy other hectares of vineyards that grow their vineyards, some dating back to the 1930s, using natural methods. During the harvest it gathers the bunches one by one, as they have reached perfect ripeness.

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- Sorrento (NA)

+39 347 00 64 225



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