
Region: Campania

This is one of the historical wineries in Campania.

This is one of the very few cases of DOC winery (In Italian “DOC” means “Di Origine Controllata”, that stands for “Controlled Designation of Origin”; this acronym refers to the wines produced in limited geographical areas and according to rigid production regulations, ndt) in Italy and they were the first to bottle the Falanghina del Beneventano in the Seventies.

Mustilli is one of the landmarks in the Falanghina and Piedirosso production. These wines have a strongly varietal character. Mustilli is this and much more. It is located and deeply rooted in Sant’Agata dei Goti, a village in the farthest province of Benevento which gives the name to the denomination of origin, the smallest in Campania. The viticulture in Sant’Agata is characterized by vineyards which are heterogeneous for location and position and give life to diversified wines and this is a very rare thing.

The winery aims at a perfect correspondence between wine and territory using the organic farming techniques and the minimum intervention in the cellar.

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- Sorrento (NA)

+39 347 00 64 225



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